Amazon Music

  • I lead a group of scientists and engineers in Amazon Music. We build and own the models and infrastructure that centered around recommender systems and ads.
  • Experience in building and owning large scale high performance infrastructure powering ads, recommendation, search, or other consumer facing applications.
  • Experience solving end-user problems and envisioning solutions to improve their productivity.


  • A cloud object storage team in a technology company like Oracle can leverage various AI technologies to enhance the storage solutions, improve efficiency, security, accessibility, and more. Here’s a look at what can be achieved:
  1. Data Analytics and Insights: By using AI algorithms, the team can analyze stored data to gain insights into usage patterns and performance metrics. This can help in forecasting storage needs, optimizing resource allocation, and identifying potential bottlenecks.

  2. Predictive Maintenance: AI models can predict hardware failure or other system-related issues by analyzing real-time data. This can help the team to take preventative actions before an actual failure occurs, thus minimizing downtime.

  3. Content Classification and Metadata Management: AI algorithms can classify data and automatically tag it with relevant metadata. This not only improves data retrieval and management but also ensures compliance with various regulatory requirements.

  4. Security and Anomaly Detection: AI-driven security systems can detect unusual access patterns or potential threats by continuously monitoring data access logs and network activity. This enhances the security of the stored data.

  5. Intelligent Data Management: AI can help in automating data lifecycle management, including policies for retention, archiving, and deletion. By understanding the nature and importance of the data, intelligent policies can be applied to manage data efficiently.

  6. Optimized Query Handling: For storage solutions that interact with databases or big data applications, AI can be used to optimize query handling. This means the system understands the type of queries that are common and can provide faster response times through intelligent caching and indexing.

  7. Enhanced Customer Support: AI-powered chatbots and support systems can provide immediate assistance to customers with common queries or problems related to the storage service.

  8. Resource Optimization: AI can provide real-time insights into resource utilization and can assist in dynamic allocation and deallocation of resources, which leads to cost savings and efficiency improvements.

  9. Accessibility and Data Retrieval Enhancements: For complex storage systems, AI-driven tools can enhance data retrieval by understanding user needs and providing relevant data through natural language processing and other advanced algorithms.

  10. Integration with Other AI Services: The object storage system can be integrated with other AI services such as machine learning platforms, allowing customers to directly access and utilize the data for their AI workloads without needing to move it.

  • In sum, the integration of AI within cloud object storage can lead to more intelligent, efficient, and user-friendly solutions. Oracle, being a significant player in the database and cloud industry, would likely explore these and potentially other cutting-edge AI integrations to remain competitive and innovative in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.


  • Computer Science and Economics, as well as AI from Stanford


  • iReason, a framework that generates commonsense knowledge by inferring the causal relationships using two of the most knowledge-rich modalities – videos and text. This enables the model to seek intrinsic causal relationships between objects within events in a video sequence and supplement the knowledge thus gained using natural language snippets, i.e., captions of the aforementioned events.
  • Modeling causation as a correlation problem, there are deficiencies, make a reasonable estimate.
  • iReason, is looking at causality through the lens of commonsense reasoning. It’s leveraging both visual and textual information (from videos and natural language captions) to infer visual-semantic commonsense knowledge. This approach integrates causal relationships into visual cognition tasks, allowing for a more nuanced and robust understanding that aligns with human-like reasoning. The use of both visual and language modalities to mine causality knowledge underscores the role of commonsense reasoning in interpreting complex relationships.
  • iReason is a novel framework that integrates visual-semantic commonsense knowledge with causal reasoning, using both videos and natural language captions. By blending causal relationships with input features for visual cognition tasks, it enhances interpretability, error analysis, and bias detection, demonstrating superiority over existing language representation and multimodal causality models in downstream tasks such as video captioning and scene understanding.


  • Multitask Training for Recommender Systems – Implemented a multi-task movie recommender system based on the classic Matrix Factorization [1] and Neural Collaborative Filtering [2] algorithms.
  • In the field of recommender systems, the goal is to provide personalized recommendations to users. This could be anything from movies and music to products on a shopping website. In the context described, multitask training is being applied to a movie recommender system, and here’s a simplified explanation of what’s going on:

  • Multitask Training:
  • Multitask training is a machine learning approach where one model is trained to perform more than one function simultaneously. This can improve performance as the model learns from different but related tasks.
  • Classic Matrix Factorization [1]:
  • Matrix Factorization is a classic technique used in recommendation systems. It works by breaking down a large user-item interaction matrix into multiple smaller matrices, representing the underlying patterns and relationships between users and items (e.g., movies). Essentially, it’s a way of finding out what features of the movies are liked by what kind of users, even if they haven’t rated those movies.

  • Neural Collaborative Filtering [2]:
  • Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) is a more modern approach, which utilizes neural networks to capture the complex relationships between users and items. It allows for the modeling of intricate patterns in the data, leading to potentially more accurate recommendations.

  • The Implementation:
  • In this context, a multi-task movie recommender system is implemented that combines both classic Matrix Factorization and Neural Collaborative Filtering algorithms. By doing this, the model can take advantage of the simplicity and efficiency of Matrix Factorization and the expressive power of Neural Collaborative Filtering. The idea is to combine the strengths of both methods to provide more accurate and personalized movie recommendations.
  • In essence, the system aims to predict what movies a user would like based on their past interactions and the interactions of similar users, using both traditional and neural network-based techniques to achieve this goal.

  • The implementation of multitask training in a recommender system that combines classic Matrix Factorization and Neural Collaborative Filtering can be complex, but here’s an attempt to break it down:
  1. Classic Matrix Factorization: Matrix Factorization is a technique used to decompose a large user-item interaction matrix into multiple smaller matrices, representing latent features of both users and items.
  • How It’s Used:
  • Initialization: Start by representing users and items (e.g., movies) as vectors in a shared space.
  • Factorization: Decompose the user-item interaction matrix into two lower-dimensional matrices, usually through techniques like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). These matrices represent latent features of users and items.
  • Prediction: Multiply the decomposed matrices to predict missing values in the original matrix. These missing values represent unrated movies, and the predictions offer a recommendation score.

    1. Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF): NCF utilizes neural networks to model the interaction between users and items, aiming to capture more complex patterns.
  • How It’s Used:
  • Architecture: Create a neural network architecture that takes user and item vectors as inputs, and learns to map them into a shared space where similar items and users are close together.
  • Training: Train the neural network using historical user-item interactions, learning to predict the preference of a user for a particular item.

    1. Multitask Training: In multitask training, the model is trained to perform both tasks (Matrix Factorization and NCF) simultaneously, usually sharing some components between the two.
  • How It’s Used:
  • Shared Embeddings: Both tasks might share the same embeddings for users and items. This means the representations of users and items are learned jointly by both tasks.
  • Separate Layers: After the shared embeddings, the model might have separate layers for Matrix Factorization and NCF, enabling it to capture different levels of complexity.
  • Joint Optimization: The model can be trained using a joint loss function that combines the error from both Matrix Factorization and NCF tasks. This encourages the model to find a balance between the two tasks.
  • Final Prediction: The final recommendation might be a weighted combination of predictions from both tasks, allowing the system to benefit from the simplicity of Matrix Factorization and the expressive power of NCF.

  • The multitask implementation leverages both the efficiency of classic Matrix Factorization and the complexity handling of Neural Collaborative Filtering. By combining these two methodologies, it aims to provide more robust and personalized recommendations. It does so by training on two related but different tasks simultaneously, allowing the model to share knowledge between them and ideally perform better on both.

Netflix Project:

  • Sure! The description outlines the creation of a movie recommender system by Netflix using two common filtering techniques: Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering. The system achieved an F1 score of 51%. Here’s a breakdown of each component:
  1. Collaborative Filtering: Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most commonly used techniques in recommendation systems. It leverages the behavior and preferences of users to make recommendations.

How It’s Used:

  • User-Based CF: Analyzes the interactions of similar users to recommend items liked by one user to another user who hasn’t interacted with those items.
  • Item-Based CF: Looks at the relationships between items, recommending items that are similar to those the user has already liked or interacted with.
  • Matrix Factorization: Techniques like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) may be used to uncover latent features that explain observed ratings.
  1. Content-Based Filtering: Content-Based Filtering (CBF) leverages the content of the items and a profile of the user’s preferences to make recommendations.

How It’s Used:

  • Feature Extraction: Item features might include genres, director, actors, etc. For users, a profile can be built based on their interactions with these features in the past.
  • Similarity Measurement: Techniques like cosine similarity may be used to measure how similar items are to the user’s profile, with more similar items being ranked higher in recommendations.
  • Personalized Recommendations: The system can then recommend items that are most similar to the user’s profile, providing a tailored experience.
  1. Combining the Techniques:
    • Hybrid Approach: By combining both Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering, the system can leverage the strengths of both methods. CF offers personalization based on user interaction, while CBF provides personalization based on content.
    • Model Training: The hybrid model is trained on historical user-item interactions and content information, aiming to predict future interactions.
  2. F1 Score of 51%:
    • Metric Explanation: The F1 score is a measure of a model’s accuracy, considering both precision and recall. An F1 score of 51% indicates that the model’s balance between precision (how many recommended items are relevant) and recall (how many relevant items are recommended) is at this level.
  • The described Netflix Recommender System is designed to provide movie recommendations based on a user’s search history, utilizing both Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering. The hybrid approach aims to capture both user behavior and content characteristics, providing a more personalized and comprehensive recommendation experience. The reported F1 score reflects the system’s performance in terms of its ability to correctly recommend relevant items.