
  • This article will go over different methods of generating embeddings in recommender systems.
  • Embeddings are a key component in many recommender systems. They provide low-dimensional vector representations of users and items that capture latent characteristics. Here are some common embedding techniques used in recommenders:

Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF)

  • Input: User-item interaction data (e.g. ratings, clicks)
  • Computation: Trains a neural network model on the interaction data to learn embeddings for users and items that can predict interactions. Combines matrix factorization and multi-layer perceptron approaches.
  • Output: Learned user and item embeddings.
  • Advantages: Captures complex non-linear patterns. Performs well on sparse data.
  • Limitations: Requires large amounts of training data. Computationally expensive.

Matrix Factorization (MF)

  • Input: User-item interaction matrix.
  • Computation: Decomposes the matrix into low-rank user and item embedding matrices using SVD or ALS.
  • Output: User and item embeddings.
  • Advantages: Simple and interpretable.
  • Limitations: Limited capability for sparse and complex data.

Factorization Machines (FM)

  • Input: User features, item features, interactions.
  • Computation: Models feature interactions through factorized interaction matrix. Captures linear and non-linear relationships.
  • Output: User and item embeddings.
  • Advantages: Handles sparse and high-dimensional data well. Flexible modeling of feature interactions.
  • Limitations: Less capable for highly complex data.

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

  • Input: User-item interaction graph.
  • Computation: Propagate embeddings on graph using neighbor aggregation, graph convolutions etc.
  • Output: User and item node embeddings.
  • Advantages: Captures graph relations and structure.
  • Limitations: Requires graph data structure. Computationally intensive.

Factorization Machines vs. Matrix Factorization

  • Key differences:

  • Modeling approach: MF directly factorizes interaction matrix. FM models feature interactions.
  • Handling features: MF doesn’t explicitly model features. FM factorizes feature interactions.
  • Data representation: MF uses interaction matrix. FM uses feature vectors.
  • Flexibility: MF has limited modeling capability. FM captures non-linear relationships.
  • Applications: MF for collaborative filtering. FM for various tasks involving features.

Representing Demographic Data

Approaches for generating user embeddings from demographics:

  • One-hot encoding: Simple but causes sparsity.
  • Embedding layers: Maps attributes to lower dimensions, capturing non-linear relationships.
  • Pretrained embeddings: Leverage semantic relationships from large corpora.
  • Autoencoders: Learn compressed representations via neural networks.

  • Choose based on data characteristics and availability of training data.

Content-Based Filtering

  • Represents items via content features like text, attributes, metadata.
  • Computes user-item similarities using TF-IDF, word embeddings, etc.
  • Recommends items similar to user profile.

Comparative Analysis

The choice of embedding technique depends on the characteristics and requirements of the recommender system:

  • Use NCF or DMF for systems involving complex non-linear relationships and abundant training data.
  • Prefer MF when interpretability is critical and data is limited.
  • FM excels for sparse data with rich features.
  • GNNs are suitable for graph-structured interaction data.

  • Here’s a table summarizing the different methods and their characteristics to help you decide which approach to choose for your recommendation system:
Method Use Case Input Output Computation Advantages Limitations
Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) Collaborative filtering with deep learning User-item interaction data User and item embeddings Training neural networks Captures complex patterns in data Requires large amounts of training data
Matrix Factorization (MF) Traditional collaborative filtering User-item interaction matrix User and item embeddings Matrix factorization techniques Simplicity and interpretability Struggles with handling sparse data
Factorization Machines (FM) General-purpose recommender system User and item features, interaction data User and item embeddings Factorization of feature interactions Handles high-dimensional and sparse data Limited modeling capability for complex data
Deep Matrix Factorization (DMF) Matrix factorization with deep learning User and item features, interaction data User and item embeddings Deep neural networks with factorization Captures non-linear interactions Requires more computational resources
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) Graph-based recommender systems User-item interaction graph User and item embeddings Graph propagation algorithms Captures relational dependencies in data Requires graph-based data and computation